The Merseum
The Merseum is the world's first International Institute for Mermology. Mermology is the study of merfolk and I am a Mermologist, my name is Karen J Jakubec. I study merfolk in all cutures and all forms from ancient relief sculptures, paintings and literature to everyday household products, toys, film and television and everything in between. My passion for merfolk started when I was 3 years old and recieved my first mermaid bath toy. Some merfolk enthusiasts may remember me from my first website 'The History of Mermaids' back in 1995 when I was completing my degree at the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia. After all these years I'm back with more resources and research than you can cast a net over.
Merfolk mythologies and folk tales are found in all cultures around the world and can be a way for cultures to connect. The earth’s surface is approximately 70% water, the human body is made up of at least 50% of water (dependant on age, health etc) and water is essential to continue living and the world around us to keep growing... so it is not surprising that mythologies and folk tales of human-like creatures inhabiting watery environments can be found in all cultures around the world and throughout human history.
The Mission
To seek out, record and interpret references to merfolk in all their forms and in all mediums from around the world and throughout history.
The Vision
The Merseum website will be a harbour for people to discover everything they wanted to know about merfolk.
For The Merseum to one day become a physical destination and the collecting of merfolk material can be continued on a larger scale. This material will be catalogued, researched, conserved, preserved, interpreted and exhibited.
The Goals
The Merseum website will be the most comprehensive merfolk resource available.
The Merseum will provide research services.
The Merseum will ensure the preservation of the merfolk legacy from all cultures.
The Merseum hopes to connect all cultures through the shared mythologies and folk tales.
The Merseum aspires to provide educational programs for schools and adults that enrich knowledge of other cultures and similarities between them.
The Merseum aspires to promote merfolk as a mascot for clean water ways, water conservation and water saving programs around the world.
The Merseum Website Development
The Museum website is a work in progress so please check back regularly for new information or email me for information before it is published at